Leading Manufacturing Engineer, radio telecom equipment

Департамент: Разработка технологий мобильной связи
Расположение: Москва
Тип занятости: Гибридный формат работы, Работа в офисе
Уровень: Ведущий

What will you do:

  • Setup and control end-2-end production process, including all cycles of the testing required at the manufacturing and assembling stages in alignment with Product development and R&D teams;
  • Creation and elaboration of the Design documentation in alignment with PDev an R&D teams;
  • Development, adjustment and implementation of the technology processes and route maps;
  • Production launch in accordance to the design requirements;
  • Design and elaboration of the technical requirements for the test equipment and the automatic measurement software. The requirements are to be compliant to the radio equipment performance, imposed by design documentation;
  • Consistent interaction with R&D to agree on and implement testing procedures, select and purchase corresponding equipment and automatic measurement software;
  • Personal leadership in the process of test equipment selection and test software development;
  • Participation in the development, elaboration and regular updates of instructions, assembly diagrams and other technological documentation;
  • Monitoring of compliance to the technology discipline and proper use of the technology equipment, support of 5S principles;
  • Determination of the test equipment placement at the Fab, participation in the process of creation site plans, technical equipment, organization and ergonomics of workplaces;
  • Ongoing improvement of the existing production processes;
  • Interaction with the other departments to solve the problems related to the products’ design, components, and software;
  • Setting up and execution the process of technology and production failures impacting the product and manufacturing processes quality. Proactive development of the measures to address potential failures in the future;
  • Monitoring and implementation of reasonable changes in the engineering solutions and production process;
  • Assistance in monitoring and adjustment of production planning to ensure timely production of the equipment in accordance to the signed contracts with the customers.

What do we expect from a future team member:

  • Russian and/or International University Master’s degree, Radio engineering/Radio Design and Manufacturing/Metrology;
  • Strong English language;
  • Experience: 5+ years at telecom/radio/computer industry as Industrial engineer/Manufacturing engineering individual contributor and team lead;
  • Solid track-record in radio electronics, production and metrology;
  • Excellent knowledge of radio telecom equipment production phases, including deep knowledge of test procedures, HW and SW used for these tests;
  • Excellent knowledge of radio performance characteristics;
  • Readiness and ability to create, implement and scale manufacturing production cycle;
  • Strong leadership skills.

We will be glad to offer you:

  • Nice salary + juicy incentive bonuses;
  • Health care insurance for you and supported VMI for your family members; sports events, employee support program: psychological, legal and healthy lifestyle consultations with external specialists;
  • Employee training and development programs;
  • Internal Innovation Support Program;
  • Award system for scientific achievements, publication of articles and registration of patents;
  • "Lecture hall", where invited experts and our specialists share their professional experience from various fields of science.

About our office:

  • Beautiful and comfortable loft office with high ceilings on the territory of the business center "Trekhgornaya Manufaktura", 10-15 minutes from the metro station "Krasnopresnenskaya"/"Ulica1905 Goda", Moscow.

Мы предлагаем:

  • Программу поддержки инноваций:

    Премии за регистрацию патентов, создание результатов интеллектуальной деятельности

  • Поддержку в личных вопросах:

    консультации юристов, психологов, экспертов по ЗОЖ и управлению финансами

  • Обучение и развитие:

    учебный портал с курсами и лекциями от внешних и внутренних экспертов, дополнительное профессиональное обучение, изучение английского, участие в конференциях

  • Заботу о здоровье:

    ДМС с первых дней работы, льготные условия страхования близких

  • Лекторий с выдающимися экспертами:

    инженерами, учеными и исследователями

  • Открытое общение:

    регулярные онлайн-встречи всей команды YADRO

Мы предлагаем:

  • Программу поддержки инноваций:

    Премии за регистрацию патентов, создание результатов интеллектуальной деятельности

  • Поддержку в личных вопросах:

    консультации юристов, психологов, экспертов по ЗОЖ и управлению финансами

  • Обучение и развитие:

    учебный портал с курсами и лекциями от внешних и внутренних экспертов, дополнительное профессиональное обучение, изучение английского, участие в конференциях

  • Заботу о здоровье:

    ДМС с первых дней работы, льготные условия страхования близких

  • Лекторий с выдающимися экспертами:

    инженерами, учеными и исследователями

  • Открытое общение:

    регулярные онлайн-встречи всей команды YADRO